Monday, August 10, 2020

“Build that wall”

(Inspired by delicious brownies)

 Joe Biden be like, “Yah, kids and the and the, and the thing the other day. Oh you know. And there was a night time event after it. I have hairy legs.” 

But Donald Trump be like: “My farts. Let me tell you. Nobody has classier farts than me. People tell me all the time. All the time. They say, ‘hey Donald!! Great stuff. Great stuff.’ Smells terrific, let me tell you. Thumbs up 👍. Sometimes I thumb Melania. I would double thumb my Evankuh if she weren’t my daughter. Build, my, wall, guns, cash— see that? I memorized those five words. 18 hours ago. Still got it. Still got it. The doctors were so thrilled by me. And, frankly, jealous. They tell me all the time. They ask me to give them a physical. I tell them, ‘who do you think you are? My daughter?’ God bless America.”

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